The Bajaro Method: Rooms Have No Feelings, YOU Do!
One day a client was expressing her concerns about how to treat a room in her home. What color would look best? How would the room look with a particular furniture placement? She worried how it would all come together. She was so focused on the room that she had forgotten herself. She no longer considered her feelings about color, furniture placement, flow, or comfort. I explained, "The rooms don't care what you do to them, but you do. Rooms have no feelings, people do!" That's how the method was born.
I learned a long time ago that I had no right to come into a client's home and tell them how to decorate. I was there to educate, guide, and empower. No one should be influenced by anyone else's ideas or taste. Here in the Bajaro World you will learn that YOU are the only ingredient that matters when it comes to designing your personal spaces. It's a philosophy that puts you in touch with yourself, so that you can create an environment from your own "interior" feelings. This is called "designing from within."